De-Mystifying Postpartum Doulas: Unveiling the Practical Ways We Support You

A postpartum doula brings a helping hand along with expertise.

What do postpartum doulas do? We’ve seen many vague descriptions out there. And, we get it. 

Postpartum doulas are here to provide invaluable support to your entire family. It's hard to put into words just how much having a flexible and caring team member can enhance your postpartum experience. That's why we're sharing our internal list of support activities—the go-to resource when you're busy feeding the baby, sleeping, or just need some extra assistance throughout the day. 

If you have our free Guide to Postpartum Preparation, you know we love lists. 

This list showcases the countless ways we can support you physically, emotionally, and mentally. Consider it a snapshot of our living team Google doc, constantly evolving to meet your needs.

Feel free to skim through and if there's anything we can do to help, just send us a message!

Baby Tips

  • Swaddle techniques

  • Burping positions

  • Feeding techniques

  • 5 S’s and other comfort techniques

  • Baby carrying- Teach how to use their carrier and provide some different carriers for parents to try on

  • Carseat checks*

  • Safe sleep advice

  • Childproofing the home

  • Managing multiples

  • First aid education*

  • Baby Hygiene

  • Bathe baby

  • Sponge bath

  • Dress baby

  • File baby nails

  • Apply hair treatments

  • Baby massage* or baby massage tutorial

Baby Spaces

  • Organize nursery- closet, bureaus, changing table, crib, feeding area, etc.

  • Create diaper changing spaces in the living room (etc), parent’s bedroom, nursery

  • Create nursing or bottle feeding spaces 

  • Organize baby clothing by size

  • Remove small clothing

  • Donate unwanted clothes and supplies to a women’s shelter

  • Maintain diaper disposal- wipe down diaper genies, bring diapers to the main trash area, wipe down diaper genie

  • Assemble baby supplies

  • Recycle and throw away packaging from new baby items

  • Wash new baby clothes/remove tags/put away

  • Wash baby and sibling laundry/put away

  • Set up baby cameras

  • Offer product suggestions


  • Feed and burp the baby

  • Teach the parents different ways to burp their baby

  • Bring the baby to mom for nursing

  • Sterilize and put away baby bottles, pacifiers, and pump parts (read pump instructions, not all pump parts can go into a steamer) 

  • De-scale sterilizer

  • Create a bottle and pump part organization and storage system 

  • Set up, clean and restock baby formula dispenser

  • Make a supply of formula at the beginning and the end of your shift (keep in refrigerator)

  • Set full bottles up for feeding after you leave in fridge

  • Keep feeding areas stocked- burp cloths, snacks, water, pillows (nursing pillows and pillows for sitting on)

  • Show mom how to use breast pump 

  • Help with flange fitting*

  • Suggest different feeding positions*

  • Help with latch*

  • Organize pumped milk storage with dates and times

Birthing parent support

  • Listen to and take notes on birth story and hospital experience

  • Ask them about their recovery

  • Ask both parents about their goals for your time with them

  • Ask them about how their night/day went

  • Postpartum healing support- padsicles, medication reminders, sitz baths

  • Postpartum depression screening

  • Support cesarean recovery

  • Prepare recovery aids

  • Belly binding*

  • Nutrition counseling, facials, nails, massage, reiki, gentle yoga, aromatherapy, herbal remedies, etc*

Partner Support

  • Ask them how they are feeling and if they need time to rest or attend to other matters

  • Ask them what their goals are for your time with them

  • Ask them about their experience of labor and postpartum

  • Ask them if they have any questions for you

  • Let them know that you are there to support them too.

Family Support

  • Entertain siblings

  • Help with sibling care

  • Sibling laundry

  • Household

  • Cook or prep a meal for later

  • Freeze meals

  • Meal plan

  • Have breakfast ready

  • Set up coffee

  • Fill water filter

  • Make one-handed meals and snacks

  • Have a menu for parents to choose from

  • Create, address, and mail baby announcement/thank you's

  • Tidy living spaces and kitchen

  • Clean out fridge (leftovers can accumulate during postpartum)

  • Organize pantry

  • Complete warranty forms for new baby supplies

  • Holiday decorating and clean up

  • Wrap presents

  • Order supplies

  • Make the family a birthday cake

  • Break down and recycle packaging from all that newly purchased baby gear.

  • Grocery Runs

Outside the home

  • Take baby for walks

  • Walk the dog

  • Water plants

  • Provide referrals to other specialists (therapists, chiropractor for parents and baby, lactation support, pelvic floor pt, etc)

  • Prepare for travel

  • Do a dry run on the on the first week back to work. Writing out packing lists for diaper bag, personal bag, pump and parts, first week of meals etc.

  • Watch the baby at work conferences, appointments, or events with the parent.

*items are for doulas specifically trained in this skill.


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