10 Websites for Postpartum Fitness: Embracing Movement and Strength for Health and Wellbeing 

Movement can aid in postpartum recovery, if you take it slow.

Prioritizing movement and strength building is an investment in long-term health and mental wellbeing.

Instead of focusing on "getting your body back," let's shift our perspective and embrace postpartum fitness as a journey towards overall wellness.

In this guide, I have curated a list of websites that promote mindful and holistic approaches to postpartum fitness, emphasizing the importance of health and mental wellbeing.

Of course you will want to check with your doctor before you begin any kind of postpartum fitness activities, and most importantly, check in with yourself.

In the very beginning, moving your body from your bed to the bathroom is a lot. Try to do some stretches and gentle recovery movements and see how you feel. Walking is always the best exercise, but go slow with that too. Seriously!

The following suggestions are for when you are really recovering and want to help yourself to feel better through exercise. It is usually after 6 weeks or longer. I trust that you know when that time will be!

There are lots of great free videos on YouTube. Most of the programs below require a subscription. I am not affiliated with any of them, but I have used a few!

Nourish Move Love

If you are looking for an excellent free program, check out Lindsay Bomgren. The name drew me in and I stayed because Lindsay is awesome. The program centers around building core stability and pelvic floor strength, incorporating strength training and low-impact cardio. This results in a 30-day workout challenge specifically designed for new moms that is both effective and attainable.

Restore Your Core

If you're experiencing diastasis recti, this website provides valuable insights and exercises to promote healing and restore core strength. It focuses on safe and effective techniques for postpartum recovery.

Pregnancy and Postpartum TV

Emphasizing the importance of long-term investments in your health, Pregnancy & Postpartum TV is free on YouTube and offers comprehensive information and resources tailored to pregnant women and new moms. Discover their inclusive approach to fitness and overall well-being free on YouTube.

4th Trimester Fitness Method

For personalized guidance and support, 4th Trimester Fitness Method, or 4tfm connects you with certified postpartum fitness instructors in your local area. Their expertise will assist you in developing a customized fitness routine aligned with your long-term health goals.

Always Moving Mommy

This website offers a variety of postpartum fitness programs, including yoga, Pilates, and strength training. The programs are designed to be safe and effective for new moms, and they also focus on overall wellness.

Pilates Anytime

Pilates Anytime, a renowned streaming platform, offers a diverse array of Pilates classes suitable for postpartum individuals. With a focus on mindful movement, it promotes physical and mental wellbeing, helping you cultivate strength and flexibility.


I’m a Glo junkie! I joined years ago to follow Kia Miller and am now a groupie of several teachers. I love that you can pick classes based on style, mood, and length. Glo, a versatile streaming platform (I assume that means they are online and have an app), provides a range of yoga, Pilates, and meditation classes, including dedicated options for postpartum individuals. Experience the transformative power of movement and mindfulness in your wellness journey.

Fit Pregnancy Method

Fit Pregnancy understands the significance of fitness during the postpartum period. Their holistic approach to fitness is based on Pilates and Barre.


Aaptiv, a fitness app, encourages you to embrace movement at your own pace. With a wide range of workouts, including postpartum-focused routines, it supports your journey towards improved strength and overall wellness. I did a free trial of their postpartum self paced routines and I think they really do meet people where they are.

Remember, fitness is a lifelong commitment, not a quick fix or meeting external expectations. Embrace movement and strength-building as investments in your health and mental wellbeing. Prioritize self-care, listen to your body, and celebrate the small victories along your postpartum journey.


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