Postpartum Care

Imagine having a personal guide by your side after the birth of your baby. Someone to help you ease into this new incredible yet demanding role. It’s your “4th-trimester”, but first time parenthood feels very real. Along with all the logistical unknowns comes a world of unfamiliar emotions and hormonal shifts.

A postpartum doula is trained to help you and your family navigate this next chapter and is your compassionate ally who can guide you through this critical time of learning and healing. Someone who can teach you essential skills and show you how to care for your precious baby, supporting you through breastfeeding and understanding newborn behavior. Someone who can lighten your load through emotional and physical support, answering all your concerns and questions from a place of genuine care, experience, and insight.

As you begin your journey into parenthood, we will be your gentle voice of reason, patience, and understanding. We will gently guide and counsel you and your partner through the ups and downs of caring for your newborn baby, as well as for yourselves. Our role is to offer you the time, answers, resources, comfort, and reassurances you need so you can focus on getting to know your baby - and we will help with that part too.

Postpartum Care Provides You With:

Much deserved sleep to support you and your family

Newborn care support and education - including sleep, feeding, and breastfeeding support

Nutrition support and guidance for healing the postpartum body, caring for your family, and preventing postpartum mood disorders.

Postpartum self care tools for maintaining health over time

Processing pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experiences

Light domestic support to ensure bonding time with baby is not interrupted

In addition to the list above, here are a few things you can expect from our experience together that will make a world of difference in the weeks following childbirth:

Transitional Support: We will help you and your family adjust to the big changes of having a baby at home, offer encouragement and a shoulder to cry on, and facilitate communication between you and your partner when needed. If you have other children, we will create the space for you to connect with them one-on-one and help them feel important and involved. We will also help you with the physical transition after pregnancy, birth, and the demands of a new baby.

Help with New Parenting Responsibilities: As a postpartum doula, we are well-versed in newborn communication and behavior and can help provide you real-time information, support, and assistance. We can offer techniques from breastfeeding/chestfeeding to bottle-feeding to help put you at ease and feel confident in caring for your baby.

Emotional Support: We will actively listen to all your needs. We can help you manage your stress and mental health by offering warm hugs and a light-hearted, judgment-free space for you to communicate freely. We are also trained to identify early signs of postpartum depression and can give you the resources you need to manage it, should those symptoms arise.

When our time together is through, you will have the strength, confidence, and resources to do it all on your own, but we want this experience to always serve as a reminder that you do not ever have to.


After Midnight